26 January 2012

Planning For 2012

image via Etsy Shop REDSTARink

If you are thinking about 2012 and what you hope for this year I thought I would compile a little list of inspirations from the archives to help you get your goals, visions, hopes and dreams in order and in the flow of your life. I find that right now I am partly looking at the calendar and feeling a little controlled by our events this year and partly feeling this immense sense of freedom due to knowing already what this calendar year is going to be about for me. It's going to be an unusual and interesting ride to say the least.

I'm revisiting my 2011 vision board and thinking about updates, looking at my elements of my dream life chart, percolating with courage to go for it in my life with my writing and traveling goals, and taking a renewed and heartfelt look at what is in the best interest of my little "soon to be official" family. While I'm revisiting some of these motivational posts from the past I thought you might enjoy them too.
If you find something that inspires you I'd love to know how it inspired you and what you aiming to do with that inspiration. You inspire me endlessly. Thanks for coming by. Look forward to sharing this awesome year with you.

P.S. Check out this very hip and stylish calendar from REDSTARink at Etsy. Made by Marci in San Diego, it's just the kind of calendar I like because it's very user friendly, lots of clean space for writing. It also doesn't have to be the star of your desk, it's stylish and yet quietly confident. You won't have to decorate the entire room around the color scheme or gobs of flowers and goo. It makes me want to plan things!

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