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Hello dear blog friends. I have something delightful to share with you today that I pray will bring peace, joy and calm to your life. It makes me happy just to think of how this can bless your life. It's a new year, we all have new hopes and we will all face new challenges. This year may have started out too busy already, you may be looking forward to big changes in the coming year as I am.
I hope you find great peace and enjoy this new year. If you're goal is to live in more mindfulness, more in the present, with greater insight and more simplicity make this a part of your morning rituals, anytime you are feeling stress or to help you fall asleep at night.
Did you know you can download all sorts of fantastic meditations from iTunes? For free? If you do a search for free meditation podcasts you can find guided meditations specifically designed for any feelings or life issues you feel you need to work through. I enjoy morning meditations, just 10 minutes or so long, that help me to focus my mind on a positive attitude and energy for the day. Very calming and energizing. There is something about giving the mind an upbeat frame to work from for the day can make all the difference.
I have used several meditations that focus on dealing with anger, healing, relieving stress, healthy eating, workouts, building positive relationships and to help me fall asleep. I find great comfort in knowing that if I reach a point where I feel I can't get a handle on my emotions, my stress or to quiet my mind so that I can fall asleep, I have these all downloaded on my iPod at my rescue.
The beautiful part about meditation is that while the experience is guided YOU do the work. So you walk away with confidence that YOU have the ability to control your stress, your fears, you noisy, rattling mind. YOU can do it. It's a great feeling.
So I encourage you to download a few of your favorites so that no matter the day or time, you have a friend close by who will walk you through whatever it is that is troubling you and you will be strengthened to face your challenges, see them for what they are and walk through them more easily. Happy meditating!
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