18 January 2013

Heartfelt Valentine's Day Creativity

image via Paper Source

I think we may need this darling pillow from Paper Source. "Love You More" is one of our big family sayings. This would make such a cute Valentine's Day gift. It's also a good reminder to have around the house to act in love.

Paper Source is a great resource to find charming things for Valentine's Day or any special occasion. The stores are filled with pretty papers, ribbons and craft supplies. You can also find a lot of charming cards and gifts if you need a pretty treat for friends or family members.

Valentine's Day has to be the sweetest holiday of the year. Who can resist all the pinks and reds, pretty papers and wrappings plus the cute candies. It's a great holiday for projects too. Frosted pink cookies, handmade cards and more. I bought a big pack of Spring themed papers this week full of pretty pinks and reds that I can't wait to start playing with.

We're putting together a little Valentine's Day box for The Man this weekend. We are making a few fun little crafts and sugar cookies are a must. With a little girl around the house it's a great time to just jump right into all the pretty pinkness of this holiday and have a blast making things and enjoying every bit of it. I'll look forward to sharing some projects with you soon. Hope you get a chance to enjoy all there is to love about Valentine's Day.

Here are links to a few past Valentine's Day posts that might give you some inspiration for your own projects this year.

Etsy Valentines Inspiration
More Etsy Valentines Inspiration
It's Valentine's Day, My Cookie
Valentine's Stamps
A Simple Embossing Technique
A Nod to St. Valentine - Blogger Inspiration

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