21 January 2013

Dad And Daughter In The Snow

Okay, how could I resist sharing a little bit about our winter wonderland trip to Utah for Christmas? I had actually forgotten about these photos and just looked at them for the first time last weekend. The "prayers" for snow began with all the family days before we arrived. We certainly had every prayer  answered! I rarely remember ever having so much snow when I was a kid living there.

This amazing park is in my parent's back yard is a paradise for snow play. You can see it in summer time right here. How I wish this park had existed when we were kids! Our parents would have had to come out and drag us in for dinner.

Once we were in Utah and were certain there would be snow in the valley, I put in a very last minute order to Santa Claus for a tube for sledding. Each day of our trip we gained several more inches of snow. In the park there was a perfect little hill for sledding, big open space for pulling sleds and tubes and so much snow you could almost bury yourself in it. There was also an endless amount of space for snowman building.

The Bug, such a California girl, was a little surprised to remember how cold snow feels. That cracked me up. Well bundled, she could've very easily spent the entire day out there even though the temperatures were extremely cold. The very best part of sledding has to be having a big, strong, fun Daddy to pull you, push you and spin you around, roughhouse with you and throw snowballs. These two were absolutely meant to spend their lives together. God knew what he was doing when he paired them up. So darling. Love them to pieces!

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