30 March 2011

A Walk Around The House

I've been waiting for days and days and days for sunshine, real sunshine. And this morning it is here in abundance. The lighting is so lovely in my apartment when the sun is shining and I couldn't help doing a little photo tour of how it was playing around my home today. Here are a few shots to share.

Above is the dining table -- with nothing stacked on it! A miracle! Here's this week's flower deal, three bunches of daffodils for $6 at Whole Foods. And yes I live in a big city and those are bikes stashed in the front entry. Put them outside and they'll be rusted out within weeks. Inside, there's not much room to hide them.

Here's the current state of workspace organization. The upper shelves in progress and the new TV. The upper right photo is of a small bookcase in a corner of my room - my Ode to Scandinavia - a vintage mail box and ivy topiary in a white ceramic pot. So, so Danish. The bottom left is the corner of the large dresser that now holds all my arts & crafts supplies. It's so great to have total access to everything so easily and amazingly I've been doing a lot more projects in bits and pieces of spare time. Easy to find everything & easy to clean it all up!

I've been keeping flowers there and all day long they look so gorgeous with the light from the big window. I find myself sitting and staring at them often. My much beloved glasses are there too along with two totes that I am planning to style up for a gift and a giveaway.

Variations of lighting on all my creative pursuits. Sewing has commenced again. A corner of a momentarily messy desk. Pencils, clock, vision board, laptop, notes, stack of travel guides to Scandinavia and sunglasses galore. My new design inspiration board for Spring is in progress. So far I'm inspired by some Garnet Hill looks, a sketch of my modest dream house with my own studio space and a lovely yard, a reminder to find my strong self in all areas of my life and a  new machine I want to bring home that I'll share with you later this week. On the bottom right is a basket of toiletries bags ready to go to new homes. I still have a few of this size available.

So that's the little tour. My goal today is to have all the office space ready for a little photo shoot. Hopefully, now that the sun is out, I can soon share my new workspace in it's entirety. Hope you're having a phenomenal Wednesday. I was thinking today that I want to make sure I do something to make life special every day because it just goes too, too fast. How is this year already 1/4 over?

images by kalanicut

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