31 March 2011

Rose Bowl Flea Market 17 Years Later

I first went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market in 1994. I got very sick that day, it was super hot and it just turned out not being that enjoyable, even though there were so many things I wanted to see or buy.

My second trip to the Rose Bowl was in 2005 for the UCLA-CAL football game my cousin was playing it - a day we'd been looking forward to for months. On the drive into the stadium, my water pump in my car broke, car died and I had to stop my car on the side of the road and spent the entire game plus 6 hours after that trying to get my car not towed by police and towed by my insurance company to a repair shop in the area. Then luckily we had a cousin who could drive us back across the city to home.

So overall my experience at the Rose Bowl has not been great. But I have been wanting to go back to the Flea Market for a few years and decided a few weeks ago that it was the perfect day to go, maybe the third time would be the charm.

We had a great time even though I didn't buy anything but a bottle of water for $1. It was fun to see how the vendors are merchandising their wares, the current trends and how the market has changed since I was last there. Having once been a flea market vendor with my handbags and designs, it was fun to stop and study the vendors who are really smart about their layout, presentation, etc. It really makes a difference! The weather could not have been more perfect and the people watching is some of the best you'll get anywhere!


  1. I LOVE Rose Bowl Flea Market! I miss it so much - we have nothing like that here in Norway.( not in that size at least)
    I didn´t buy much either, but I just love watching all the beautiful stuff.
    Hugs, Nina

  2. Hi Kalani!! Do you know the days and hours of the flea market? It seems like something I would enjoy. Thanks! Jennifer :)

  3. All the details are available at this link: http://www.rgcshows.com/RoseBowl.aspx


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