31 January 2014

Fresh Flowers

So often topics I write about really serve as reminders to me about doing the exact things this blog is supposed to focus on, living a simple, peaceful, stylish life. One of my goals with Now Is My Time 2014 has been to do something I haven't been doing often enough. In fact I can't remember the last time I made the very small effort to have fresh flowers in the house.

After having it on my goal list for a day short of two weeks, I knew I couldn't have another goal review day and not have taken care of that one simple thing. Late Wednesday night I sneaked outside and plucked three little blooms off the plants in front of our building. I brought them inside, found two of my favorite vases and placed these pink beauties near my bed and work space. Photographing them the next morning only reminded me how glorious flowers are and how much they can cheer up a space.

I once wrote this post about enjoying fresh flowers for less than $8 a week. I included fresh flowers as part of this post on 10 Things That Make Life Great. Then I wrote this post called Flowers Brighten Up Everything. So, it leads me to wonder why I have not been bringing flowers into my home and why I can't remember the last time I did. This is definitely one of those little things that fits into my Now Is My Time agenda.

Have I really not had time to get flowers or have I not made it a priority? I would say I haven't made it a priority and it's time to start making it a priority again, even if it means sneaking out in the middle of the night plucking a few sleeping hibiscus off a giant bush in front of our building. It's time to make time for flowers.

Do you regularly have flowers in your home? Do you remember the last time you treated yourself to a few fresh blooms? If not, maybe this is the weekend to take a few minutes for yourself and pick up a few and put them in bud vases around your home. It's amazing how special it can make you feel to see fresh flowers when you wake up in the morning or when you are working at your desk. Let me know how it goes.

images by kalanicut

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