10 July 2013

Great Meditations From YouTube #3

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This week's meditation is all about gratitude. It's a little different in that there is no peaceful, Zen-ish music background. It's a lovely, peaceful woman's voice and quite restful without that. It's quite beautiful and simple actually.

This week I'm recommending Law Of Attraction Meditation by The Guided Meditations. This meditation talks one through all the things we have to be grateful for in life. It's quite remarkable actually how much we have to appreciate. Our five senses, the earth and all it's nature, friends and family, it goes on and one. This meditation is just short of 9 minutes long, so it easy to fit into the day.

If you have a chance to try it, let me know what you think.

Great Meditations #1: Meditation To Create Abundance
Great Meditations #2: Positive Meditation Uplift Your Emotions

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