08 July 2013

A Sandal Story: Making Flats Comfortable

Last week went by like a whirlwind. I didn't expect to take the week off from blogging, but it turned out I had little opportunity to even sit down at my computer. We were able to spend a lot of time together as a family. We took a lot of time to rest together and has some fun playing together too. Hope your holiday was a good one.

So you may remember I mentioned these shoes two weeks ago. Still love them like crazy. But The flat sole was killing my feet. Big blisters on the balls of my feet every time I wore them. So I came up with a little idea, out of desperation, that ended up working fantastically and I thought I would share it. For some time now I've been trying to think of a way that you could effectively use a foam insole with flat sandals. I figured it out.

I took two inexpensive foam insoles and trimmed them down to fit the footbed of my sandals without being visible. This takes a little work and you do have to trim them quit a bit to make it so they can't be seen. I used a lot of trial and error on the first insole, but for the second I basically just flipped the right foot over and used it as a pattern for the left foot. That was super easy.

I trimmed the toe area down so it was not visible between my toes. Then I cut a slit from the top edge down to the bottom of where the strap fits between my big toe and second toe. So basically the slit I made is right between the big toe and second toe, about one-and-a-half inches long. Then I put the insoles into my sandal and slipped the toe strap into the slit. Since I only cut a slit, it fits snugly around the toe strap with no gaping around it.

This worked so fantastically because it helps hold the insole in place and provides a lot of cushioning for the ball of my foot. On Saturday I walked through a lovely botanical garden in these and they were so comfortable I couldn't get over it. I can wear these all day now comfortably.

If you find you're in the same boat, try trimming down a foam insole to allow you to enjoy pretty, flat sandals without the painful blisters.

1 comment:

  1. Update April 2014: Check these out. Dr. Scholls is now making insoles for sandals, that even work with thongs.



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