29 July 2013

Christmas In July

Over the years I have always tried to start thinking about Christmas crafts and gift-giving in July. It's a lovely change of thought from hot summer days, Popsicles and sandals. I've written about getting an early head start on the holidays a few times. Inspiration for Christmas cards in September, making decorations in August, I also learned that for some reason thrift stores often start putting out their holiday merchandise in July. Sometimes it's just pure escapism to think about gorgeous, charming Christmas decorations. Then there was the year I rebelled.

July has been a blur, like it so often is, a rush to milk every second of goodness out of summer before it fades away. For some reason our summers the past three years have been very busy and included a lot of travel and upheaval. This summer has been no different with reintegration, recuperation, and many other things going on.

Dealing with anything as far out as Christmas sounds a little bit far-fetched right now. But I do know that a good creative project does wonders for my soul, so I've been thinking about what will be really important for us for this holiday season. We really don't have much need of anything. I think Legos are in order for the little one. I think beyond that, simple, loving tokens are in order this year. Here are a few projects I've been thinking about.

Metallic Infinity Scarf - Cream
image via wanelo

Knit Infinity Scarves: a link to lots of patterns here. These would be fun and pretty easy to make. You can see lots of beautiful examples on Pinterest.

Wax-Resist Scarves DIY
image via A Beautiful Mess

I remember doing wax resistant projects when I was a kid, but my eyes were opened wide to the fun you can have as an adult with crayons and dye by this project from A Beautiful Mess. I don't think it's just because I love orange and blue together that I fell in love with these two scarves. These would be great for friends who live in warmer climates.

image by joyzz

This is another fun and simple project by Joyzz. You just need quality blue cotton napkins, bleach and a few artistic tools to play with like pencil erasers and butter knives. These would be great for Independence Day celebrations wouldn't they. But you could definitely do themes for Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc.

How to drill holes in Seaglass
image via Martha Stewart

I've collected a lot of pretty shells and sea glass through the years. I'm not sure if I'd have pieces to match up earrings but I have some big pieces that would make pretty necklaces. This "Drill Through Sea Glass" tutorial from the good people at Martha Stewart would definitely get me started.

So those are a few fun ideas to kick off Christmas in July and a headstart on holiday gift-giving. Hope this finds you well and happy. I think of you readers daily and send you my very best wishes. Thank you for visiting and for your support!

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