04 April 2014

Cold Weather & Speaking Out Your Dreams

I can feel that we are fully into our usual crazy busy Spring season. Three birthdays in eleven weeks, school holidays, a busy extra-curricular activities schedule, Easter...oh, so many things going on. The weeks just seem to fly by. I get organized over the weekend and by Thursday I often miss posting something here.

It has been "cold" for us this week and by that I mean we wore long sleeves, layered tops, shoes, socks, jackets and even the occasional scarf. We even got to wear the new Patagonia super light down jackets we got on clearance last fall - finally. A yucky cold wind has been howling and messing up hair and blowing things around all week too. We still have all the windows open much of the day and sometimes at night, but my feet get very cold and I have to really bundle up.

We've been able to enjoy the fireplace and I've been heating up a microwave heating pad to take to bed with me. I've always said Spring is the worst weather we have all year. Spring Break visitors please dress appropriately, don't bring tank tops and shorts to LA in April or May. Bring a warm jacket.

During hot weather I will go long stretches not using the stove because it makes the house so hot. Heating up the house and enjoying a nice warm, cozy dinner has been perfect for this week. We also wolfed down a pot of homemade chicken soup with the most fantastic new "special" bread I found at the grocery store this week-- Rustic bread with sesame seeds. It was amazing and there were only three small slices left when dinner ended. It was a small loaf, but no one held back slathering the butter on the gorgeous slices and savoring every delicious bite.

I am refocusing on Now Is My Time again. I have been focusing on self-care efforts but I haven't been wearing my mantra to the full-extent yet. I'll post more about that on Monday. Now Is My Time is also about making dreams come true. I've set a tight goal to finish the novel I've been working on. Once I am done with that, I have a little dream of a gallery show of my torn paper art to start working on.

You can see some simple examples of my torn paper art at Margot Madison Creative and here. I was thinking about what kind of theme I would work from and it totally came to me this week and I started taking notes. When the time is right, I'll make it happen. The theme will be something along the lines of Finding Joy In Every Day. Shocking, right? Doesn't sound like me at all, waha. Anyway, another part of Now Is My Time is being braver about putting the dreams out there, so I'm doing that, speaking them publicly.

We're looking forward to a peaceful, quiet weekend. Sunday we're having friends over and I am thinking about what kind of simple morning spread I can put out for breakfast. I'm thinking Scandinavian style with beautiful breads, meats, cheeses, jams and fruit. Later in the day we will enjoy a eggs, bacon and pancake extravaganza. I should tell you more about our pancake parties sometime. Should be a lovely "stay at home" day.

I just dropped another wish into my prayer wish jar this morning. It was a beautiful one. Now to go work on making that happen. Sending you love and best wishes. Hope you find the joy awaiting you in your day today.

P.S. If you are looking for some great peaceful music to calm the soul, I love my "meditation music" station on Pandora. It's free, lovely when you are trying to center yourself and create a great environment in your space.

image by kalanicut - a pretty sight on the walk home from school pick up last week.

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