image via Wendy McClure
Yesterday was a gnarly day. That's the only way I can describe it. Long and gnarly. By the end of it, I was so tired I was rushing people through eating an ice cream cone so I could get home. It ended nicely though with a lovely concert, many delightful friends, a viewing of a favorite Christmas special The Snowman and frosting some delicious gingerbread cookies. Being at home made me feel so completely happy.
Today I thought I would share with you two things that are perfect for a night at home, away from the crowds, obligations, outside stresses and unpleasant tasks: a favorite cookie recipe and the current book I am reading.
As you may remember, last year about this time I started reading The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder with The Bug. It has been a most delightful experience every night possible. We are now on the second to last book and I am thinking hard about what book series we'll pick up after that.
As we have read these books I have sought ought more information about the Ingalls family including a biography titled Laura Ingalls Wilder (Essential Lives) by Emma Carlson Berne. I decided this week to read The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure. It is an interesting tale of one Laura Ingalls Wilder fan's effort to step into "Laura World" and experience life as described in the fictionalized, yet somewhat truth-based book series penned by Mrs. Wilder. It's a fun and interesting read, perfect for winter reading.
Pairing that up with a favorite winter cookie, gingerbread and a cup of tea would be a perfect match. Here's the link to the gingerbread recipe I have been using for several years with great success. My favorite thing to do is use a star-shaped cookie cutter, then ice them to look like snowflakes sprinkled with chunky white sugar crystals. They are so pretty and taste so good with a tangy lemon frosting.
Hope you are having some peaceful, enjoyable nights this holiday season. There is something nice about how the shorter days and colder nights encourage us to gather together indoors, get cozy and do enjoyable wintry activities. I'm looking forward to lots more of that this holiday season.
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