21 December 2011

Christmas Eve On Sesame Street - Family Fun!

image via amazon

Watching Christmas Eve on Sesame Street on Christmas Eve has been a family tradition in my family for many years. Because my sister cannot seem to find her copy and often forgets it when she returns for the holidays I felt compelled to pick it up on DVD this week. The Man, The Bug and I watched it last night and it was great fun to watch The Bug's delightful giggling throughout and even hear The Man (watching somewhat against his will) laughing and enjoying himself.

This is really a holiday special designed to be enjoyed by the entire family. There are so many catchy tunes and hilarious and touching little vignettes. You might be surprised how much your family might enjoy this one. Oh, I do have to say that I got a little freaked out when The Bug referred to Burt as "The Yellow Headed One" -- Egads! Children in America no longer know Bert & Ernie?! I have to say I was saddened and a bit shocked.

Today we are going on a grand holiday adventure and I must be on top of my game in every way. This has been a crazy week with more appointments and bothers to deal with than expected. I've been getting a lot of reading done while waiting in offices and businesses around the city. Feeling a little cuckoo about sitting on uncomfortable chairs in waiting rooms now. So I'll keep this short today and know that I'll be back on Thursday with a report on our holiday baking.

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