22 December 2011

A Merry Little Meltdown

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I'm in a panic today. I was doing so well with my Christmas plans the past few weeks and then last week everything went off the tracks. Only I didn't really realize it until today. The Christmas cards have been written, addressed and waiting stamps for over a week, a bag of presents sits unwrapped, three gifts are still unmade and one gift yet to be purchased, cookies have been baked but not frosted to take to friends and neighbors. 

What was so ahead of schedule and totally on target last week has now become a last minute disaster zone - and I'm already tired. Hmmmm. In the long run I know this will all be okay, but I don't like where I stand today. I will tell you what I have spent the past week doing - spending time with The Man and The Bug -- quality AND quantity time. And how can I possibly begrudge that?

I will remember the memories we've made this week, including holiday concerts, Christmas movie nights together, special dinners, shopping trips and a whirlwind of a day at the Happiest Place on Earth yesterday, long after I forget the rush to finish things up here at the last second. I'm trying to remind my panicked self of this today while I look at a very tight budget of time, resources and energy - not to mention a last minute trip to the fabric store - I'd rather go to the dentist.

I feel a bit like a truck hit me today. Ack. But it's our last day all together before Christmas so I am going to bite the bullet for one more day and head to the theater for a holiday movie today. Then tomorrow I am really going to have a ton to do.

So fair blog friends, are you in a panic or have you wisely avoided it this year? Any great ideas for keeping the stress at a minimum the next few days? Hope you're preparations are going well and you are ready for a happy and relaxing holiday!


  1. Hey Kalani - I feel your pain! The only thing I have ever found helpful in this situation besides the ol' "just do it" is to cross one thing off of my to do list and just not do them. Sometimes more than that. Good luck!

  2. All hell broke loose for me this week. I don't have the energy to type more about it.
    We'll both get through it though! I'm feeling your pain :)


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