17 August 2011

Making The Most of Unexpected Delays

Good morning! Happy Wednesday! Hope the week is going well for you.

I've been reminded quite a bit this week how good it is to have some simple entertainments with you, especially with kids, for those times when things don't go quite as planned.

I have often been good about carrying a book in my bag with me. It's amazing how often you have plans that are delayed and it's great to have something to do while you wait. I find when I have something I enjoy to entertain me, I'm almost sad when those delays end. This past week I've been carrying a book on Reiki, a Men's Health magazine and a religious magazine in my bag.

Now that I've made a cute little case, I'm ready to charge up my Kindle for the first time and that will be a great thing I can tuck into my purse and take anywhere. Something to look at has come in quite handy as I've sat at the park letting The Bug run free on the open grass, play at the playground or when she takes a nap. She's gone through a real growth spurt lately where she's got her own things she loves to do when there is some down time with her Dad and I. It's always good if I have a mini-legal pad, some colored pens or crayons in my purse for her. I try to hang on to restaurant crayons for that purpose.

We also try to always have a few plastic animals with us in a bag. They are easy to play with in small spaces. We've also made very good use of our car activity bag lately. Always nice to have something to grab when you can pop into a park for a while. It's great to be able to play catch for a few minutes after sharing a sandwich on a nice thick quilt under a shady tree.

It's amazing how much fun and enjoyment you can get from a few minutes of unexpected free time. I'm learning, more and more, that the joy in life comes in what you do in the few minutes of spare time you can grab here and there. Time to sit in the sun, read a book, lounge with a loved one, look at the clouds, listen to the waves roll in. Making the most of little moments is the sweetness of life.

What do you do when you have a few minutes of unscheduled time you didn't anticipate in your day? I always love hearing your fantastic ideas and suggestions.

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