18 August 2011

Thrift Store Find - More Fun With Wood

Can you believe it's the end of the week again already. How does that happen? It's going to be a busy weekend. My options were go out of town and relax or stay home and get lots of projects done. I picked stay home. Still working on the last of the kitchen deep clean and need to tidy up my closet. I spent most of last night working on my pelmet boxes. I took lots of photos so I will share them on Monday when the boxes are hung.

I also went to the neighborhood thrift store yesterday for the first time in a couple of months. I was hopeful I would find some clothes for The Bug but only found one casual screen printed tee shirt. But I did find these although I paid what I consider a slightly ridiculous price them.

Anyway, back to more pleasant things -- wood fruit! I love the grapes, the bananas, the carved whatever they ares - strawberries, pears and apples. I thought these would look so great in this white bowl. They totally remind me of Hawaiian carved wood and the 70s. I've been thinking about collecting carved wood pieces, so maybe this is my beginning. Have you found any great finds in the thrift stores lately?

I'll see you tomorrow. :)

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