24 September 2010

Before and After: My Dream Bread Bowl

Earlier this summer, while in New York City, I visited ABC Home and found the most amazing wood bowls.  I dreamily imagined one of these beautiful wood bowls full of big beautiful slices of bread in the center of a table full of gorgeous food surrounded by wonderful friends.At $75 for the small bowls, I had a hard time justifying the price for something I would use so infrequently.

Even after I decided not to get one of these bowls, I still thought about them and at times regretted my decision. A couple of weeks later I was in my local thrift store and found a bowl, that for only $2.99 had all the makings of becoming the bread bowl of my dreams. My goal was to give the bowl a more organic, natural, worn look.

 before inside view

before outside view

The first step was to remove the aged protective coating that was peeling off the wood. I used a very fine grain sandpaper and sanded off the protective coating from the inside and outside of the bowl. It was a rather dusty operation.

I also sanded down the edges of the lip of the bowl so they were more rounded and worn looking. It took several short sanding and wiping off sessions to make sure I had all the coating off the wood. Then I dusted it off and wiped it down with a damp rag.

Here's what the raw wood looked like. I love the color and the shape of the bowl. I love how old the wood looks. It has such a beautiful aged patina. I'm thinking I might want to go in and soften up the edges a little bit more.

Next I added a quick coat of my favorite Beeswax Salad Bowl Finish. It conditioned the wood a bit and completed my project. The beeswax really brought out the grain in the wood. I hope you can see the subtle changes in these photos. I love how rich, grainy and beautiful the wood looks. 

Can't wait to enjoy my new bowl. It will go well with my fixed up thrift store bamboo tray. Don't hesitate to see a vision in something that looks a little dreary in the thrift store. Sometimes a little TLC is all it takes to take it from blah to beautiful!

I'm already looking forward to Monday.  I can't wait to share with you that darling, little organic sweater I found thrift shopping a few weeks ago. It's beige with rich dark brown buttons and big belt loops at the waist. I've upstyled it with some fun new belts and a new button to replace the missing one. Now she's a real charmer and in a perfect neutral camel color, just in time for the fall sweater season. Have a great weekend. I'll see you next week!


  1. Oh, you are speaking my language! I can totally see myself doing something like this, though I can only imagine the amazed (frightened?) look I'd see on my husband's face! Ha. I'm fortunate to have found a similar bowl at the thrift store, already weathered and the only reason I bought it.

    Now I remember being on here before and I'm sorry if I didn't leave a message. Sometimes, I get so caught up in reading a blog that times passes and then suddenly I realize I have to go to sleep so I hastily close the window. I remember because I was fascinated by the creative classes you are taking and wanted to read all about them. OK, now I really must go to sleep. :-)

  2. This is so clever - way to go! Sometimes these "improved" pieces end up being more special than their high-end inspirations. :-)

  3. What a great story and your bowl is gorgeous! I have two similar wood bowls (one is actually a vintage dough trough) found at yard sales and use them all the time!

  4. P.S. Forget to say thanks for the link on the beeswax salad bowl finish! I think my own well worn bowls are in need of a little attention after all their use/abuse! x0x

  5. Hi there! So glad I visited and saw your dream bread bowl. It is such a JAZZY to find something in a thrift store that does the job of something you saw earlier for $75. You feel so SMARTYPANTS. Can't wait to see the little sweater. (And thanks for your encouraging words in BYW) XXXooo marywig

  6. Thanks so much for the visit to my blog and the great comments on EAT PRAY LOVE. Sound like you were listening well to the Holy Spirit.

    Nice job on this beautiful bowl. You must have been thrilled you waited.

    I am enjoying the class so much and learning so much. I haven't done last weeks work yet, as I was out of town. So catching up now. Are you enjoying it?


  7. Hi Glenda,

    Yes I'm loving the class and always in a panic to get everything done. :) I spend my entire week digesting everything and then I'm always pushing to finish up the last bits to turn Sunday afternoon. I should set a goal to get it all done on Saturday. :) Thanks for visiting!

  8. I have a thing for wooden bowls as well! I love what you did with this one...good job. Thanks for stopping by my blog too! It's been lovely 'meeting' new people from everywhere :)

  9. Kalani, thank you so much for your PM. I tried to reply on it and I have trouble working the PM except to leave a message. But today I wrote a blog on your note. see www.grandmere.typepad.com
    Thank you again. Sally

  10. I love how you have all these diy projects. I've always wanted to know how to get an aged wood look! I would never have dared to do that to a wood item I bought home :)


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