11 April 2016

Catching Up

It's been a crazy couple of weeks and that would explain why I have not been here as intended. I think the flu went through our house and we had the big birthday party, I worked on an special project for a few days and THEN we went straight into Easter Weekend and Spring Break. At the beginning of this past week I got the thumbs up to start walking on my cast. More on that soon.

My head is spinning a bit. Whew. I'm still not feeling like myself but getting through. Thought I would share some images of our Easter eggs we made on Easter. It was fun to play with a wax relief treatment on the eggs. 

Beyond Easter egg projects and celebrating things here in our family I've been trying to get my office space organized. That room was in good shape a few weeks ago and somehow things have spun out of control in there. I feel like it has become everyone's off the kitchen dumping ground. So I need to get back in there and tackle it again and get things in the cupboards. It was a bit of a trick but using a step ladder and my iWalk 2.0 I got most of the cupboards and shelves lined. But I think I need to rethink organization order in that room.

This reminds me of why I always feel like the first six months of the year are so jam packed with holidays, birthdays, and school vacations. I wrote about it here and it seems to become an annual realization sometime around Spring Break time. I'm working on several more posts and am looking forward to being here three times a week as is my goal. Thanks for your patience these past couple of weeks!

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