19 November 2013

The Power of Abundant Thinking

image via mca

I have been doing the latest Oprah/Deepak Chopra meditation series Desire and Destiny. It's been a great opportunity to further hone my meditation practice and to help me get my mind in a beautiful and positive place. I have really been enjoying it. Last week several days were focused on the law of abundance and how there is abundance always everywhere around us.

I have always been a big believer in the power of abundant thinking. But I have not been as good at having an abundance mentality lately as I should have. So I decided to really relax, listen and open my mind, heart and soul to it today. Abundance is everywhere. Abundance surrounds us and flows to us freely.

After I finished my meditation practice I journaled on a few related topics. First I made a list of all the abundance around me. A surprise call from a wonderful friend checking in on me, a peaceful morning to spend extra time meditating, a fridge full of wonderful food, a bevy of lovely people around me. There were so many lovely things to consider and appreciate.

As I sat on my bed writing I looked around the room and into the living room and dining room and perhaps for the first time or with very fresh new perspective I saw my home. Oh how I loved the bright orange touches everywhere, the neutral tones dashed with bright vivid color accents. In nooks of space all around me were small art projects I had created, garlands, framed art, thoughts written on pretty card stock, and plants I had started and nurtured.

On shelves were beautiful books filled with inspiration. Around the room were favorite items I've collected like a velvet soft little bunny, a large conch shell with bright pink insides, prayer jars and wish bowls, canisters of sand and shells, and baskets that organized and contained equipment and supplies so they are completely out of sight but always easily reachable. There were candles placed around the bedroom and the entire place, even not perfectly tidied, spoke to me. My soul sang, this was my home and it felt utterly perfect for me and it looked and felt like me, the me who wants to be centered...and joyful...and bright...AND spirited. I'd never seen my home in just that way or it had been a very, very long time. Hello abundance: lovely things, a perfect home.

Then I turned my thoughts outward. I made a list of friends and family I could share my abundance with. I have a tiny little project in mind to send out to a few people, just a little holiday decoration they might enjoy that I can easily make in large quantities. That was a fun list to make and it made me happy to think of sending out so much small and simple joy.

Next I turned my abundant thinking to projects outside the home. I am hoping to pick up a little extra work this holiday season. So I began looking and within moments had found a company needing help with a small project for the holidays. They are seriously located just about 4 blocks from my house. I immediately emailed them and within a few minutes had a reply and plan to go in and meet with them. I continued searching and found a couple more possible options.

Everything I did that morning seemed to turn to gold. I was amazed and encouraged. With each small success I was encouraged to be even more abundant and hopeful for good things to come. It's good to believe that something good is coming every day and that positive surprises are around every corner.I want to keep that abundant mentality going! Who knows what can happen when you just allow yourself to be open to good things awaiting you.

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