19 August 2013

Why Do I Have This Crummy Cook Book?

Two weeks as I was planning meals for first week of school I started consulting some cookbooks. I am bad with cookbooks. I won't let myself buy them anymore, but I do have quite a few and I don't use them. Some I've hung onto for years knowing that some day I would want to cook from them. Well someday is here and I'm realizing something.

I looked at a recipe book full of salads. I do love salad but I hated all but one of the salads shown in the entire book. Why did I still have this cookbook on my shelves?! Why did I even buy it in the first place. I realized it's now 16 years old. What the what? Getting it out of my life now.

Then I looked at another cookbook for slow-cooker meals. Again, the majority of the recipes sounded pretty awful to me. This got me thinking about that shelf of cookbooks in my kitchen and in larger matters about getting rid of things I don't need, use or actually like. Sorry, you know this topic is pretty much constantly on my mind. Thank you for indulging me.

For some reason books, particularly cookbooks often get a pass when I'm cleansing my life. But now my attention is turned directly at them. I do collect recipes and put them in binders and I have a nice system worked out for that. Usually if I need a recipe I just hop on the internet and find exactly what I want. But the cookbooks I've collected tend to just sit and gather dust. This week I am really going to look through them and weed some out.

Another set of books I'm seriously thinking about weeding through are all my old travel guides from my once upon a time world travels. I'm not sure they really hold any particular value anymore when everything has changed in all those countries and information is so readily available on the internet. I could keep them for historical record, but I don't think that is really necessary. Maybe if there are a couple with a lot of actual notes from trips I would keep those, but otherwise, they not needed.

I'm never sure what to do with books, if I should start an Amazon account for used booksellers or it I should just donate them and move on with life. If any of you had made this decision I'd love to hear how you did it and how that worked for you. I doubt the paperbacks are of much value but other books might be.

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