20 August 2013

Starting The Christmas Gift Lists

It's Mid-August and I know that I need to start thinking about the holidays now if I want to keep things calm, simple and organized. Who needs the crush of all that extra stress right during the holidays? I always find that if I get things done in advance I have more time to just enjoy the holidays, the TV specials, the wonderful concerts and other shows in the community, the lights and festive atmosphere. I always enjoy the holidays most during the years when I am ready and prepared long before December 1.

This last weekend I started making my Christmas lists. Ideas have been rumbling around in my head so it seemed like a good time to make some notes. I started a list for The Bug, she doesn't need much but there are a couple of things that she would really like that cost a little more than most small toys. They are things she will use, so they are great additions to the list. Last night while I was kissing her goodnight The Bug whispered to me something else she'd like me to add to her list. So cute. I know we're in our last few years of her really having that magical, mystical feeling about Christmas and I want to enjoy every moment of it.

The Man, after several very busy and stressful years, has had the chance to start getting into some of his outdoor hobbies again recently. This is a part of him that I don't really even know because since we met he really hasn't had a chance to do much. It is really fun to see him get so excited about something fun, be able to get away, and be able to enjoy it with friends. Seeing the smile on his face I am wholeheartedly in support of making sure he does more with his hobbies. There are lots of little gift options with outdoor hobbies and there one big thing he needs that would make a great Christmas present.

I am making a list for myself as well. I always like to buy myself a little something for Christmas. After all, no one knows me better than me. Haha. Having a list is also helpful when people ask me what I need/want so that I actually have some ideas. On my list this year is a power tool. I want a jigsaw or a Dremel tool. Apparently you can get one that will do both. I should do some research on that so I can name a model that interests me. I also need little things like new pajama pants, a new blow dryer and I can never possibly own enough lotion.

A big thing I put on my list would be new dining chairs. I would love to build my own dining table (have talked about it here many times) but I can't whip up my own chairs. Even making my own benches sounds a little bit difficult with the space and time I have to work with. So building a beautiful table and not having chairs to go with it sounds frustrating, rather than pleasant. It's a big wish item, so not stuck on having it, but it would be fun.

I really want to get started on any projects I am making for the family. I'm not totally sure what those are yet. I think I would like to make gauze scarves but not totally sure yet. I feel like more and more we don't need stuff we need experiences together more. So that is definitely something to think about. I would especially like to do that with my family and The Man's family. We definitely need more time with loved ones who are all so far away from us.

It was just a few weeks ago that I put the Christmas decorations all in storage thinking the holidays were still more than six months away and now I'm feeling like I'll be pulling them out in no time. Times moves so quickly. Are you thinking about the holidays yet or do you think I'm crazy? How do you plan your holiday gift giving?

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