13 June 2013

Updating My Dream Life Chart

Now that we have made it through some really big things the past 18 months, it seems fitting for me to revisit my goals, vision board and dream life chart. Last weekend I took a few minutes to start over with a fresh sheet of paper and create a dream life chart again. I thought it would help guide me towards a new vision board. I have been toying with a new vision board for a while and have mentioned it here quite a few times. But it just hasn't totally come together yet, so I decided to try a different approach. I was inspired by Drew Barrymore's Field of Dreams life philosophies I wrote about last week.

It might help to revisit a couple of past blog posts about dream life charts. Here is the post where I first created a Dream Life Chart. I had an amazing experience with that chart. My second Dream Life Chart taught me even more amazing and valuable lessons in simplicity. I let go of a lot.

So now a few years later, it was fun to attempt to start from scratch and see what I want for my life now. One of the things I decided to change was the title of this little document. Dream Life seems a little too out there, practically impossible. This time I called it MY Life. It is my life, it is what I want, it is possible.

That brought it all a little closer to home for me. Every time I create a life chart I have fewer and fewer elements I feel are critical to having the life I dream of. My 2013 chart only has eight elements. But they are deep, broad, important elements. I think this is the best suited to me right now.

I am craving more and more simplicity in my life. This is probably because being a blended family and with a man who has a crazy work schedule, tossed with the personal health challenges I have had the past couple of years, I am tossed and turned by a lot of outside elements in my life. I want to have a little more quite and a little more control over my schedule. Managing my health and well-being are of highest priority right now. The success of everything else in my life pivots on that axis.

It was great to sit back and take another look at my life, in 2013, and see where I am at and where I want to be. I'm thinking about how I can use my time more intentionally. That includes how I can create a warm home environment for my family and how I can spend more time with friends and extended family. Looking at my life today I see how much it has changed in the past few years and it also gives me a chance to take a more proactive approach to steering my life in the right directions.

Any new directions you are wanting to steer your life in? Are there things you've forgotten were important to you in the rush of every day life? If you try a My Life chart I'd love to hear how it goes. Warmest wishes for a beautiful day.

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