11 June 2013

DIY Projects In Review: What Worked For Us

Over the past week or so I've been looking around the house thinking about different projects I've shared here on the blog. Some of them have had a very long life and really worked for the space and for us. Other's were fairly quickly thrown aside.

I thought it would be fun to share a few of the projects I've done that have worked. I'll do another post soon about project fails or things I've worked on that really didn't work for long. Here are some that we've loved even more once they were done.

The Bug's Headboard. The longer we have this headboard the more I love it and I think we'll keep this around for a good long time. Maybe The Bug will get it when she is grown and moves out on her own. It was a sad, tired little thing when I bought it. I love that The Man, The Bug and I all made very valuable contributions to the success of this project. It was fun to work together and we all loved the results. The headboard cost $15 and we probably put another $30 into with with paint, wood embellishment, new legs for the back, etc.

Beach Inspired Shell Art. I am happy every time I see these two simple pieces. They are so perfect for the space I created for and so easy to make. Total cost for both of these was less than nine dollars I think. Another late night project, grabbing some frames I already had, shells from my collection and paper from my scrap drawer. I used all the rest of my white starfish for this project.

The Orange Bench. The sturdy little five dollar purchased has been used for many things around the house. Right now it's in our front entryway. A little primer and paint made it a fun, colorful addition to any corner.

Kids Play Table. It's hard to believe The Bug has already outgrown this table. How did THAT happen? It's still in her room for now and occasionally she uses it, bit she's too big for the chairs now really. She's a tall little thing so she's better suited to a regular table now. But this is definitely a keeper. Hope we'll have use for it in the future for little visitors, friends, etc.

Are you catching a running orange and brown theme here. Ha. Yes, we seem to have a thing for that color combo. But of course these projects are all two to three years old now.

Framed Family Beach Photos. This is another project that I whipped up in a few minutes that has become a highly prized treasured keepsake. Thrift store frame and photos printed on regular paper in sepia tone. It seems like the projects that happen quickly and come together easily are the ones that last in value for me. I hope there's a lesson there that when there is a lot of uncertainty and I never feel quite right about my decisions that the project is probably going to be a fail.

A lot of people have talked to me about this project. For some reason Dads really like this project. I think they just don't know what to make of the insane number of stuffed animals little girls end up with. The Man really loved this when he got home. It does remove a large amount of clutter and make cleaning little girl's bedroom so much easier. It's also a fun game to go row by row and have to name every creature. The Bug and I have made a game of this some nights when we are lying on her bed. It's a challenge!

So that's my round up for today. Among other projects that have stood the test of time are wood and bamboo trays and my three dressers which I did years and years ago. Tomorrow I'm posting another DIY review talking about a few projects that ended up not working so well. Good lessons learned on these projects. Thanks so much for coming by today. Sending you very best wishes!

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