22 February 2013

Sunshine Streaming In

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It has been a cold and rainy past week here in SoCal. This morning the sun is streaming in the windows. Even though it's not particularly warm, there is something about sitting by a sunny window that does the body good. I am actually bundled in this shirt, a sweater, scarf, wooly slippers and yoga pants, trying to get warm. Eating a bowl of cereal with very cold milk does not seem to have helped. My bad.

I thought I would share a few things I'm thinking about this week.
  • Was reminded of this excellent advice from Design Mom, Gabby Blair, on making use of small increments of time to get things done.
  • I am beginning a new career as a child custody consultant. If you know parents I may be able to  help please pass my contact info along to them. After a long career in marketing/PR, journalism and business I took everything I knew into the family court system to support The Man & The Bug. There is very little a parent will go through that will be more stressful than a child custody battle. Knowing the system and having a strong case from the get-go is powerful! I'm happy to help anywhere in the country via online or phone for an hour or two, a few months or a few years as needed. You can get more info here.
  • Do you know Soul Seeds? Peaceful, wise inspiration for every day. Good stuff there. One of my favorite quotes and something I try to carry with me every day: "Have the heart of a peaceful warrior and nothing can conquer you. -- Ian Lawton
  • If you enjoy the feeling of calm, cool and collected, you should get to know my blog friend Glenda. Her blog Gg: Notes on the Journey is full of encouragement and joyful living. I love how much she loves her husband and daughters. She also inspires me by taking care of herself so that she can give more to others. Wise woman, lovely friend.

Have you done anything for your pure enjoyment, relaxation and happiness this week? If not, do something nice for yourself this weekend. Take a few minutes or a few hours. I'm planning to hit the beach, just trying to decide which one. I think I might take a drive down to San Diego this weekend, take care of some business and have some fun.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sweet shout out, Kalani. I am so glad that we met in the Blogging Your Way Class.

    No sun in Chicago today.



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