10 October 2012

"Don't You Want To Be Happy?" An Eery Question

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Holy smokes, it must be October because I have another eery story for you. Last week I had a conversation with my sister about something a dear friend of hers had said to her. Dear friend asked my sister why she was not running anymore. Then she followed that up with - You love to run. Why don't you run. It makes you so happy! That perked my sister up and then the next question was a loving punch to the gut. "Don't you want to be happy?"

Wow, what a super powerful question. My sister knew immediately she wanted to be happy. She began to remember what a happy part of running was to her life. And I think she found a new mantra by which to gauge how she spends her time and energy. "Don't you want to be happy?"

We talked about what a powerful lesson this was and how excited my sister was to turn back to running. We continued to talk about work outs and the cool workout plan she was making for herself. I loved her ideas and was inspired myself.

Then over the weekend I by chance found this paragraph on my blog and it sounded shockingly familiar to the point the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. From March 2010:

 A few months ago, my mom and I were talking about working out and she said, "You should start swimming again. You love swimming. It would make you happy." I was surprised by this insight because my mother lives 600 miles away and never saw me during my regular swimming days. But she was RIGHT! Call it mother's intuition or maybe just years of vacations together in Hawaii. I was invigorated to know that someone knew this about me, that I knew this about me. And I started dreaming about swimming again.

If you read the rest of that post, you learn that I went swimming that day and loved every minute of it. The sad confession that follows is that I haven't been back to the city pool since. I bought a brand new training suit last year that has not been used. Gosh, I need to get back to the pool. How much encouragement do I need?

Okay, how about you? Do you have a love that you have turned your back on? Are you doing things that make you deeply happy? I'm challenging you to ask yourself, "Why aren't you doing _____ ??? Don't you want to be happy?" Hope the results propel you to new levels of happiness!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... This post of yours could not have come at a better time... I love sports, it makes me happy.. ;) But I haven't done any of it for the last couple of months and it is always hard to pick up if you slagged off so dramatically. So thank you for this; just what I needed to hear!!
    Simone (from BYW)


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