23 March 2012

Be Kind To Yourself Friday

image by kalanicut

I've decided today is Be Kind To Yourself Friday here at kalanicut. I thought I would give you a few spots to go for reminders about taking care of yourself. With the change of season, more light coming into our every day along with warmer temperatures, it's a great time to spiff up the heart as we are so eager to spiff up home and garden. I hope you'll find something to inspire you on your journey today.

My post at I Am Enough Collaborative
A shot at Actualizing My Dream Life & Finding My Joy
Might a Vision Board be a fun way to start the new season?
And it might be a good day to review Happiness

And lastly, if you would like a reminder about how truly good people are and the impact you can have on other people with just a few short minutes of your time, please bless your day by visiting this post from Design Mom Gabrielle Blair on Kindness. Bring tissues and read all the comments. I promise your heart will swell and it will take you to a higher plane of living.

Have a beautiful weekend, dear friends. Thank you so much for your kindness and support of this blog venture. It means a lot when you stop by and leave lovely comments. Thank you for your loyalty. Big kiss!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. You might like this Wordsworth quote about little acts of kindness. http://caroleschatter.blogspot.co.nz/2012/04/acts-of-kindness.html


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