05 September 2011

Design Inspirations - Clothes Pin Dolls

image via MishaLuLu

Happy Labor Day to everyone in the U.S. I know there are lots of you who are elsewhere and I hope you have a fantastic Monday no matter what you're up to.

I am so happy to have a full work space in my home now where I have organized all my craft & aft supplies. Anytime I want to do something creative I have a nice collection of tools and project ingredients at my fingertips and well organized so I can easily gather everything I need in a minute. The Bug and I decided we wanted to do an art project this weekend. Looking through my drawers I found the craft clothes pins I bought to make clothes pin dolls. I grabbed a box of fabric and ribbon scraps, bags of buttons, fabric glue, scissors and needle and thread and we were ready to go.

The first thing we did was look online for inspiration. Here are some that we really liked. I instantly fell in love with these two girls above. Adore their dresses, their faces, the arms and hair. Love everything about them. You can see them here at MishaLuLu.

These holiday dolls are from Martha Stewart. There is a great video tutorial. Super cute ideas for the decorating a tree or making a great garland with all kinds of different holiday inspired dolls. I may put these on my list of projects for Christmas 2011.

I loved these mermaids. What a cute idea just by turning the pin so that the base no longer was legs but was a base for a pretty mermaid fin. These would be so fun to make for a birthday party activity along with an ocean inspired theme. You can get all the instructions for the mermaid girls here. from FamilyGo.

It was great to look through so many galleries of ideas. It's amazing how you sit down with your own gathering of supplies and with your own ideas and talents you create something totally unique to you. Stay tune for later this morning, I'll share with you the dolls The Bug and I made. Have you made clothes pin dolls lately? I'd love to hear about your experience. Link up photos if you like! Hope your week is off to a great start.

*You can see the clothes pin dolls we made here and here.

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