05 January 2011

Welcome New Year, Welcome New Friends

I want to live this new year with expectancy and hope. One of my hopes was to build my blog readership, connect with new readers and have great new experiences here at kalanicut. Yesterday was just one of those days. I had the opportunity to enjoy lots of new readers coming by. I want to say "Hello, welcome,  would love to get to know you and read your thoughts and comments - there are so many lovely things to be learned from you. You made it a delightful day by coming by - thank you! - please come by again."

I welcome you here with open arms. Becoming part of the blog community has been an amazingly rich experience for a girl who held tightly to her privacy for too long. I cherish my connections here, the other bloggers I now call friends (adore you!), all I've learned and in all the ways I've grown from this experience.

Thanks you so much for taking the time to come by. I hope we'll get to know each other. Later this morning I'll be sharing a charming little necklace that might just be the dream of every blogger and tweeter. Hope you have a wonderful new year and are blessed with joy and goodness. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday! 

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