04 January 2011

Decor8 Reminds Me To Look Deeper

photo by David Land, seen on Design*Sponge tour of Mike & Emma's Home

Holly Becker, BYW and Decor8 founder, who's taught me so much this year, has really had me thinking the past few days about all the design images I've gone so ga-ga for over the years. In her post, Decorating Ideas & 1st Option she challenged readers to slow down and look deeply at what it is they really like about interior design spaces. To understand what elements they are drawn to and what emotions they bring.

I've always loved drooling over home decor magazines, but in a whole new light now I am looking deeper at what I like and what calls to me - and - what I really don't like. I realize now that I often get a great buzz about a a space, but when I start to break it down there may be only one or two elements that I actually connect with and that excite me.

I love the room above, the paint, the structure of the room, the fabrics and light fixtures. But if in a attempt to understand my personal style better I look at it as a room I would want to have, I start seeing things that I would want to do differently for me. I don't love the tall retro table lamp, I would choose different bedding. But other than those two things I really like this room and can see that it incorporates colors and energies that I really like.

It's been fun to look around at my home design inspirations with new eyes and enjoy a deeper sense of vision and perspective as I deconstruct each space to see what it is that speaks to me and how it defines my style. It's also been very instructional for me to see what I don't like. Sometimes I revisit photos and realize there are really only one of two pieces in the room that I genuinely connect with but they create such power for me that I think I love the entire space, when I actually don't. I like knowing myself better and taking the time to look more deeply than a surface scan.

Now that I think about it, we should probably do that in all facets of our lives at times, right? Not gloss over the surface for too long without spending some time looking deeply. Lesson learned and appreciated. Thanks for another great teaching moment, Holly Becker!


  1. so, so so very true and insightful...and deliberate! I love these thoughts....

    have a great week!


  2. This is so true! I'm in the middle of moving and have discovered that I'm not really sure which way to go with decorating. I think I will take a step back and give myself some time to figure it all out. Great post!


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