20 January 2011

It's In The Bag - Blog Crawl

Going down with this gnarly flu last weekend has left me a little lost and slowly crawling back to my life. A few minutes ago I looked at the calendar and having no idea what day it was, realized it's my day to blog crawl for It's In The Bag. I have been looking forward to this for over a month, so it's obvious how out of it I have been.

Yesterday Hanamik posted fun shots of her handbag. You can see them here. While you are at it, you should check out her blog and Etsy Store. I adore her lens cap pockets and definitely need to get one. It would really help me keep track of my lens cap. I seem to set it down all around the house and then have to go hunting for it. This would save me some time.

The orange purse above is my favorite. It's Michael Kors from two or three years ago. I fell in love with it immediately - the orange, the stripes, the rich leather. The price was right too, so even though I knew it would easily get dirty and would be impossible to clean, I went for it.

So here is the contents of my purse:
1. Toiletries Bag - I designed these for a while. I have a small stash saved away. They are usually in floral colors. See below for contents details.
2. Two little card holders. I use these for all those store cards I need every once in a while. I hate having all that in my wallet.
3. My Fossil Wallet. Love this wallet. You can see more of it here.
4. Cell Phone - nothing special.
5. Kleenex  - these come in handy in lots of ways.
6. Orbit Citrus Mint Gum
7. Click top roller ball pens
8. Sunglass zip case. Got this from the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles. Love their shop!
9. Daytimer 2-page/day planner - yes, I like to plan on paper. So I went back to this again.

Here are the bits & pieces inside my toiletries bag:
1. Samilisan Eye Drops
2. Ibuprofen & Acetaminophen
3. Generic Antibiotic Cream
4. Hair accessories for hair emergencies
5. Mary Kay Lipstick - Whipped Berries
6. Lancome Color Fever Gloss - Heatstroke
7. L'Oreal Night Cream
8. Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm - tinted
9. Burt's Bees Cuticle Cream - can't live without it
10. Case for "treats" as we used to call them in college
11. Oral B Dental Floss
 * I always carry a bottle of saline nasal spray with me too. For some reason it was not in my purse the day I took this photo.

Now I pass the blog crawl baton over to A Simple Kind of Life. Tomorrow they will post the next It's In The Bag posting. You can check out A Simple Kind of Life right here.


  1. Of course your purse is orange. I just love when the purse fits the blog. You really know your style!! Thank you so much for participating in the blog crawl. I loved getting to peek inside your bag!

    <3 Ashley

  2. Hope you are on the mend.



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