05 August 2010

Making The Most of Missing BlogHer '10

This weekend in NYC there is a gargantuan blogger conference going on called BlogHer. I wanted to go, but with all the travel I've done this summer it just wasn't in the cards to try to get away again.

I am sad to miss BlogHer because I wanted to see so many of my Blog heroes in person, learn how to do it bigger and better and from all I've heard about the parties and swag, I would've scored on some great stuff too. I contributed an art piece to the big BlogHer '10 Voices of the Year Gala and Art Auction, curated by kirtsy and won't be there to see how the exhibit and party all come together. I won't see Martha Stewart and enjoy the swanky patio event. I won't have fancy meals and see good friends in NYC.

But there's no reason not to get to network anyway, right?! I'm joining BlogHer '10 Pity Party and hooking up with great bloggers online and via Twitter. Cloud, meet your silver lining.


  1. Thanks so much for linking up! I think it is a great way to learn about new blogs {like right now} and connecting with others. We will have our own party!

  2. hopefully next year.....i try to say one day I will get there!!! stopping by from the pity party!

  3. Lesley & LWP,

    Thank so much for stopping by. I'm loving getting to have a BlogHer experience right here in my own house!

    Next year we should definitely have a PityParty '10 meet up.

  4. stopping by from the pity party.. yeah there should be more blogger meet ups... hmm....


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