05 August 2010

Living Gracefully and Frugally

Have been thinking about the art of frugality so much the past couple of years. It's a new lesson for many and a reminder of leaner days for others. I was given the book Frugal Luxuries: Simple Pleasures to Enhance Your Life and Comfort Your Soul by Tracey McBride, over ten years ago. This was long before the days of blogs and all the great inspiration and creativity you can now find online.

Tracey McBride was preaching frugality at a time when we were living in great abundance and the promise of the internet boom and so many opportunities to grow rich abounded. Her book is even more relevant today and we focus on living for what is truly important to us, using and wasting less and appreciating life more. It's a great read for anyone wanting to live more on less.

Tracey has a great blog now too. A great place for regular inspiration and reminders about living a rich life of appreciation and enjoyment and spending less to do it.


  1. Wow, thank you so much for the wonderful post and very kind words about my work!!! You do not know how very, very much I appreciate them and you!

  2. I am ordering this book. Thanks, Kalani.



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