04 January 2021

The First Monday Of A New Year

 It's Monday January 4, 2021 and I am fully committed to staying in bed as much today as possible. While others were up before daylight kicking in their new workout regimen or getting kids off to school, we still have one more day and we are taking it.

My life philosophy these days is "Listen." Listen to what your mind and body need, listen to what your family really needs each day, listen to who needs your help or what small thing you can do to make the world a better place today. My attachment to how things "should" be done is a thing of the past after more than a decade of going through some incredibly hard things. 

On FB today I was reminded that 10 years ago today I started getting sick with what was just a sinus infection. That led to an emergency hospital stay, months of hearing loss in one ear and months of recovery. Early January has been the scene of the hardest and worst things that have ever happened to me....all in the past 11 years. So I have learned not to make a lot of big, aggressive plans to kick off the year.

The holidays this year ended up being a lot more "energetic" than I had expected. School is back in session tomorrow and we definitely need today for recovery time. I am encouraging everyone to stay in bed and sleep as much as possible, while also doing a lot of salt water and mouthwash gargling and spritzing a lot of saline nasal spray.

I want to make a great big blender of green/purple smoothie and just live off that for the rest of the week....month... year? I feel like I got at least ten books for Christmas, and while I'm still looking at a book I got last Christmas that I haven't read yet (sigh) I am hoping to make some reading progress today and in the coming weeks. I have had a really hard time reading books the past three years. Just sitting and focusing has been difficult for me. So this book thing could be a big challenge for this year.

I decided on my word of the year for 2021 a few weeks ago. I'll introduce it in a follow up post sometime soon. I have a list of priorities I want to focus on and I am trying to pack more fun into this year. As I look back on the past 10+ years it has been a lot of caregiving and sacrificing and not enough self-care and pleasure and that all fits into what I want to focus on this year. I want to make a vision board.

Oh, I can tell you a little about what I made for my immediate family for Christmas this year. I compiled all the general conference talks of Russell M. Nelson, the current prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It turned out to be 335 pages! A lot of work to clean up all the copied and pasted files and coding, create a workable layout, etc. I had a copy bound for each of my immediate family and have shared the digital file with friends and extended family. If you would like a digital file copy let me know.

Even thought its almost noon I have been putting off getting something to eat so far today. Part of me wants a platter of super healthy stuff and another part of me just wants a giant hot chocolate with whipped cream and a piece of toast to crawl back into bed with. Not yet sure who will win that battle. I suppose I could do both today some time.

Looking forward to the continued journey in 2021. I have become a real convert to the "slow and steady wins the race" and "small, steady steps to great things" philosophies over the past few years. 2020 was an especially big year for cementing my focus on accomplishing awesome things by small, consistent effort. I'm putting together a list of blog posts to cover all I did and made this past year. Hopefully I'll be here at the blog more often this year. It will all come down to practicality and what is best for me and the family. Hope you are having a wonderful start to 2021 and look forward to connecting with you here. Happy New Year!

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