13 March 2015

Decorating My New Office: Part One - Tables

With my lovely new job comes a nice office in need of decorating. For the first couple of weeks I just worked in my office the way it was and got a feel for the space. I knew there were some things I wanted to change and I knew there were some that I would be able to change and some that I wouldn't. 

The two things I most wanted to change were the paint on one accent wall and curtains in the windows. Thankfully there are also blinds to you don't really notice the short, aged curtains. But oh, wouldn't I love to get some new ones and hang them in their place!

Whao - as I was writing that, an idea came to me -- a way I can camouflage them so they won't be seen but I won't have to deal with taking them down, etc. I'm liking this idea. Will have to take some measurements and do some looking at the window sill tomorrow! Cool.

I am working on a really cool map-related art project for one wall. It's coming together slowly because I haven't quite worked it all out in my head. I have five or ten ways I could go, but I'm just not certain about one yet. So I've been slowly buying the supplies I will need but am not putting anything into play until I'm sure what I want to do. But I am excited about it and I think it will be fun, colorful and will call out nicely to the work I do every day.

During the past few weeks I have been slowly experimenting with new layout options, sketching in my notebook and then moving things around. People stop by and comment and sometimes even move things. I find it entertaining. It's starting to look cozy, which I really like. It's big enough that there is room for a table and two chairs, a small couch with coffee table and side table and a large desk, office chair, bookcase and file cabinet.

I wanted to share my fantastic experience with two ratty old tables with you today. A major victory. Shoved under the window sill was a really hammered old coffee table and it's side table mate was shoved in the opposite corner of my office. Both were stained and gross looking. But the three-inch thick wood and very simple, southwestern-inspired styling intrigued me enough after a few days to start thinking about what I could do to make them look better.

Being in a very dry climate I thought washing them down and oiling them might be a good start to give them new life. So I shopped around a bit for the right wood oil and found some for about four dollars at T.J. Maxx. Good old T.J. Maxx. It took me a few more days before I had time during the day to attempt my project. I found the perfect moment when my head was feeling like it was going to burst from thinking too hard for too long - and I realized a little physical labor would be the perfect break.

Unfortunately I didn't think to bring a good, clean rag with me so I used paper towels from the office kitchen. Immediately above is the original table, dirty, dusty and sticky with some gummy substance on the top. After a good wipe down with a damp paper towel and a little scraping of the sticky stuff, I began applying the oil.

It took a lot of oil. That little side table was thirsty. But it took on an amazing appearance almost instantly. The change was amazing. As I worked, a few coworkers stopped in to check out what I was up to and were stunned at how fantastic the tables looked. You can see the big difference between the finished product at the top and the original finish before I got started.

When I got done, the side table looked so great that it made the coffee table look even more hideous. It took me a few more days before I had the time and energy to tackle the coffee table, but it looks incredible now too.

Now every time I walk into my office I'm just stunned at how beautiful those two tables look and they really do set an amazing tone for the office. They look very rich and fabulous. I'm so happy I didn't discard them and had a sense for what they could be. Now they get a lot of compliments when people walk by too. I hope that makes them feel good. Haha. I'll try to get a good shop of them soon to share with you.

My next project is upstyling the little Chesterfield-style setee. More to come on that. Let's just say I got some help from the country of Turkey. Sounds crazy, right?! More to come. I'm missing spending time with you each day. Hopefully as I get into more of a routine and have a better workspace at home I'll be able to start cranking out a few more posts. Sending you the happiest of wishes!

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