08 October 2014

What Are You Waiting For? Have The Time Of Your Life.

I am going to paraphrase these lines that have been running through my head recently from the movie Something's Gotta Give. Diane Keaton's character, Erica Barry, is found at the bottom of a set of stairs on the beach by her daughter, in tears.

Her daughter Marin, played by Amanda Peet, gets upset to see her mother in tears and asks her mother what is wrong. Her mother tells her she fell in love. Marin gets more upset that something has hurt her mother. Her mother says no I had the time of my life. Marin says, "I've never had the time of my life." Erica replies, "What are you waiting for?"

 I think those two lines are so epic. Have you had the time of your life yet? Do you have things you always said you would do that you have no yet attempted? I often hear people speaking like this about travel. Talking about how badly they want to visit a place.

After a while, it has to become clear that things we say are our dreams, aren't really things we want that much or we would make them happen. Instead they just become this pipe dream we trot out when we need something to say or need something to upset ourselves about.

I have a few things in my "time of my life" folder but I have also done a lot of things that fit into the "time of my life" folder. Many of them weren't things I even planned but things that I experienced through my career opportunities or other activities I got in involved in. Some were just things I did "on a wing and a prayer," taking a risk, hoping for the best and going for it.

"What are you waiting for," is a haunting question. I have friends who died suddenly at 40, I have friends who suddenly found themselves widowed at 40. And these things often happen to people much younger than that.

What are you waiting for? Anyone who postpones any dreams until retirement needs to take a serious wake up call and realize that that time may never come. Countless people have lost a spouse just as they planned to retire.

Now is the day to live. If you want to try something, do something or see something, make plans to see it now. There really are very few roadblocks to achieving goals. Even people with severe physical handicaps do unbelievable things, travel and take on great adventures. Having children should not preclude you from your dreams. People do all sorts of adventurous things with kids in tow.

Money certainly should not be an obstacle. One can always find a little side business to start or a small part-time job to work to make a little extra cash. Even selling stuff in your own house that you don't need or use can bring in money.

There is no reason to wait to have the time of your life. Life is now. It is today. I'm throwing out a challenge today to do something to move yourself closer to the time of your life.

Do the research and price out the trip of your dreams. Talk to the small business administration and think about starting that new career you keep talking about. Write the first chapter of your novel. Start your blog. Create that product that will change the world. Apply for that job you dream of. Do something today to have the life of your dreams. There's no time to waste.

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