21 October 2014

Cozy Winter Wear For Women By Hanna Andersson

I made the mistake of following a link to Hanna Andersson baby wear. Good grief, my ovaries were screaming for babies in seconds looking at all the beautiful and brightly colored and patterned little sweaters, tights, dresses and skirts.

Just in the knick of time I found the link to the women's wear and escaped before any serious damage could happen. I had forgotten what lovely things Hanna Andersson creates in the always delicious Scandinavian style. What's not to love here, chunky knits, leather, suede, clogs...ORANGE things!

You can find all these lovely things in the womens department at Hanna Andersson online. Now that it has finally cooled down a little bit and there is some hope to a break in our 2014 heatwave, perhaps there is the hope of a cold day here in SoCal in the not so distant future. I would love that.

I am seriously campaigning with the weather gods every day for a very rainy, cold winter. I'll hate myself for it later, but it just sounds so good after 10 months of constant warm to excessively hot weather.

These Hanna Andersson separates and some of the fantastic tights they make would be lovely. Let's hear it for layering! Bring it on Mother Nature.

all images via Hanna Andersson

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