04 March 2014

Lent: Join 40 Bags In 40 Days Movement

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Okay, just writing about this is getting me excited. Apparently I'm ready to do more reorganization projects. I actually did throw out some stuff this past weekend. It's time to say goodbye to all the paper clutter that comes home from school and other paper that attacks desktops, counters and tables around here.

You may remember last year I did my 30-Day Home Reorganization Challenge. That one month turned into three but I did attack everything on my list and my house looked a lot better. That lasted for a while but now it's time again to wrangle everything back into shape. I am very excited about White House Black Shutters author Ann Marie's inspiration to fill forty bags in forty days with things you don't need. I love this idea and am totally going to jump on board. I love the idea of a bag every day and doing it together with an army of people doing the same.

So I'm going to jump on. Kick off day is tomorrow March 5 and the project extends through Saturday April 19.  Who's with me? Anyone else feeling the Spring Fever for reorganization projects? If you decide to join in let me know. You can follow Ann Marie on Twitter or Facebook and also join the closed Facebook page. If you are looking for other great organization ideas for Spring, check out my Organization Pinterest board.

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