17 February 2014

Now Is My Time #7: Love This Life

image via WalMart

It's Monday again already, but this Monday is a holiday so that takes a bit of the edge off, doesn't it. There was actually a moment yesterday when I had forgotten it was a holiday today and had planned an epic day of activities for myself, thinking that The Bug would be at school. I've put that day on hold until Tuesday or Wednesday now. Instead I'll gladly take the holiday.

The campaign Now Is My Time is still charging forward. It's amazing what lessons I am learning each week through conversations I've been having with friends and family. I have also realized a marked difference in the way I think. It's so much easier for me to make myself more of a priority and more automatically think about what I need to do for myself to keep myself well. It's fun to catch myself doing well at this without too much thought. That always put s a smile on my face.

Last week I had the chance to do my Valentine's Day shopping at a pretty little shop. I was looking for something inspirational that I could include in gifts to my family. Then I came upon a three pack of these simple little bracelets. They were a hit with the family and everyone has been wearing them. I let the others choose. The Man chose black, The Bug, as expected, chose pink. So I'm blue. I have been thinking about this phrase a lot. Love This Life.

Love this Life. Every time I look down at it on my wrist I am reminded to love my life exactly as it is today because there is nothing else. This IS my life. With all it's simple joys and at times heartbreaking complications. We don't know how much time we have, what we'll gain or what we'll lose. People always say it goes by in the blink of an eye.

So this is my life. This is all I've got and I should love every bit of it up. It's my life, my gift, what I've been given to make something of here on this earth. It's mine to love, to receive love, to give love and to exemplify love to everyone around me.

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