29 January 2014

How Can I Help My Family's Dreams Come True?

Hello, hello, hello. It's only the middle of the week and already it feels like it's been a full one. Today's schedule starts out with a busy bang, but I am hoping by afternoon things will quiet down a bit. Craving a little quiet and a chance to catch my breath after a busy couple of days. How is your week going?

It's almost February and since our New Year's Eve of saying goodbye to 2013 and writing down our wishes for 2014 I have been thinking about how I can best love and support my family this year. One of the best ways is to be my best self and make my goals and dreams come true. That requires that I make my well-being my number one priority. In that I don't mean that I get the best of all my attention and efforts all the time at the expense of home and family. I mean that I put my keeping myself healthy, strong and well as my first priority so that I can be more effective at all the other callings in my life.

Another of my big goals this year is to get to know each of my family member's dreams and hopes for the future. I want to help them find ways to see their dreams from cocoon stage to winged flight. In conversations with my family I have been trying to listen to them carefully when they talk about dreams. When I see them get excited about something I try to make note of it. Getting to know them better by learning more about their dreams for their lives gives me a lot to work with as I try to love and nurture them and be a positive support in their lives.

It's been fun to listen to The Man as he talks about an idea he has and adventures he wants to take. A business idea he had got me thinking about all the people I know who might be interesting for him to talk as he considers the idea going forward. I can help make those connections happen and I certainly am happy to help make more adventures happen too.

It cracked me up to hear The Bug say she really needed to get some gold this year. I was so intrigued about why. She said because she really likes it. So I'm thinking about what I can do this year to help her get some gold in 2014 along with other goals she has for this year. So cute!

They both have goals and dreams that I can be a part of and I look forward to continuing to support their dreams and goals. Listening has been the key and taking an interest in conversations about things they dream about has helped me get to know and love them better. Striving to make my own dreams come true is inspiration and motivation for the entire family too. It's exciting to think about any one of us making a dream come true and I know I will cheer just as hard for their success at making dreams come true as they will for mine.

It takes a lot of work to keep home and family going but when I think of my contributions as a part of making all our dreams come true, that takes it to a higher plane and gives each day greater focus and purpose.

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