13 December 2013

Goal Setting For The New Year

image via mca

I just finished up the 21-Day Meditation Experience and after spending all that time calmly breathing, thinking, pondering and exploring I am very much looking forward to the new year. 2013 has been a power-packed year for us and I've got my fingers crossed that 2014 will be more of the peaceful, calm type of year.

Putting my mind, heart and soul in order has been a great start. Our thoughts and feelings are so powerful and we have so much more influence over them than we realize. It's easy for us to create our own stumbling blocks and walls to hinder our progression.

Our little clan has had quite a few conclusions to long-standing challenges in the past few weeks. "Cleaning house" of those challenges feels good and yet it's interesting how hard it is the lay the worries of them down, even when there isn't anything to worry about right now. It's like being sick and one day you just have to be well again but you aren't quite sure what well was like before. So you create a new normal of sorts. We're in the process of creating a new normal on several fronts and for our life overall. It's a very interesting journey and a little trickier than I anticipated.

After several years of focus on the little one and custody issues and then The Man's deployment last year it came to me that 2014 is my year. My mantra for the coming year is "This is my time." I am looking forward to making my dreams more of a priority, enjoying better health than I have this year and balancing out the focus of my time more this coming year. I have projects to focus on.  I'm excited about that. And I'm very calm about that. I like both those feelings and I like them a lot paired together.

So I'm delighting in wrapping up this year and looking forward to a simple, pleasant year to come. I'm not setting a ton of goals. I'm just opening up my world to me and the things I need for my well-being. What are you hoping for in the new year? Do you have big dreams to execute or are you searching for a simpler life?

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