collage by kalanicut/images via Pinterest
I realize it has not yet been summer for a full month and summer is in fact the one season we pine for all winter long, but I'm already having the fever for fall. In my defense, I think it's because we don't really even have fall where I live. So it's become vastly over-romanticized for me over the years. I won't put on a pair of boots until December and will only wear them until February if I'm lucky. And I'm a boot girl, so that's a sorrowfully short boot season.
So while I'm wearing my now almost waist length hair in a bun that gives me a headache ever day because it's too hot to wear my hair down and I'm wiping sweat from my brow every time I go outside or get into the car, I am dreaming about a little fall cooling trend and some of my favorite fall looks. What's not to love about chunky sweaters and scarves, tweedy pants, gorgeous wool coats, riding boots, corduroy skirts and tights?
I thought I'd share with you today a little taste from my Pinterest boards. I hope you are in a cold air conditioned space while you look or you might faint of heat just thinking of having so much clothing on. Hah!
All these photos and their links can be found on my Favorite Fashions and Favorite Shoes boards. It's actually the perfect time to shop for fall and get the best selection of this year's collection. This is especially helpful if you are a hard-to-find size or like me need the extra long lengths in sleeves and pants. Those sizes go quickly so shopping early is a good, good thing! Or if you are like me and am thinking about knitting for fall it's prime time to get that started so you won't have to wait until Fall 2014 to wear your finished creations. My awesome sister whipped up a mountain of beautiful knit scarves last fall for herself & for gifts. I definitely want to try out the pattern she made for eternity scarves.
It's a good time to think about fall but continue to enjoy summer for a couple more months!
Today is the first really hot day in Chicago ... and for a brief moment I was remembering how much I love Fall.