10 March 2013

A Pin Test #11: Homemade Eye Cream

For a while now I have been wanting to experiment with homemade body care products. The Man is very in the know about harmful chemicals in food and bodycare products. I love that except for the fact that now most of my favorite bodycare products aren't products I want to use anymore due to the ingredients. Rats!

I decided to start small and try this all natural, homemade eye cream I found here on Pinterest. The original post came from Pam at the blog Ramblings of A Happy Homemaker. Thanks Pam for posting this.

After going through many brands of face and eye creams with The Man over the holidays and checking out ingredients & prices, I'm a little astounded at how hard it is to find even expensive creams with good, healthy ingredients. One can easily lay down a cool $50-70 for a tiny jar of department store eye cream and it goes way up from there.

The two ingredients I needed were Vitamin E Oil and Coconut Oil. Both vary widely in price and can get quite expensive in health food stores. I frequently buy Vitamin E Oil from Traders Joes for about $5-6. I was a little worried about finding Coconut Oil because I've seen very expensive jars of it at that big, national all-natural food chain with the big prices. Buying a $30 or $40 bottle of Coconut Oil would really defeat any costs savings to this project. So I was thrilled to find Coconut Oil on the shelves at Trader Joes as well for about $5-6 dollars. I can make boatloads of eye cream with these two bottles of oil.

I went through my stash of travel size bottles, found a nice glass jar that once housed eye cream. I cleaned it well with alcohol and took the sticker off the top. Then I got to making the eye cream. See  Pam's super easy instructions.

Here's how it worked for me. I spooned in coconut oil to the top of the jar. Then I popped it in the microwave for about 7 seconds which got it melted enough that I could stir it up. Then I added drops of Vitamin E Oil. In Pam's project she used three Vitamin E capsules. Since I was using oil straight from a bottle I just eye-balled about 1/4-1/8 of a teaspoon as a guesstimate.

Then I used a toothpick to stir it all up nicely. Once it was well-mixed I put the lid on and popped it in the fridge. It would be really easy to make a little sticker for the top of the jar on the computer and then create a sticker using my Xyron Make-a-Sticker machine. I will definitely experiment with that as I start giving this out for a fun little gift. It's the perfect idea for a little treat for friends  and family birthdays or just a fun surprise gift.


  1. Oh, I am completely making this! I NEVER use eye cream because I just can't stomach the prices for a "good" one, but I love coconut oil and the skin around my eyes has been so dry this winter!

    Also, you should try the oil cleaning method for face washing - google it. It's a skincare miracle. No exaggeration. And, you really want to go crazy about leaving out chemicals, try making your own deodorant. I have a great recipe that is better than any commercial and chemical filled deodorant I've ever tried. Um, yeah, I kinda love this stuff ;)

  2. Jenn, I am SUPER interested in deoderant recipe. The very idea of the chemicals in deoderant stress me out but I can never find one that I like. I'm going to check out the oil cleaning method - sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi, I saw that you made this two years ago, has t worked for you? Are yous till using/making this?

  4. I love the simplicity of this recipe - I'm going to try it and use Cypress essential oil as well! I get my Cypress oil from doTERRA http://www.mydoterra.com/inspiredoterra/#/ :) Have a great day and thanks for sharing!

  5. I tried the oil cleansing method and love it !! Don't think I'll ever go back to commercial cleansers. Am Def going to try the eye cream recipe - thanks for sharing :)

  6. I tried the oil cleansing method and love it !! Don't think I'll ever go back to commercial cleansers. Am Def going to try the eye cream recipe - thanks for sharing :)


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