25 March 2013
30-Day Home Reorganization Project:Week Five
I am guest blogging today over at Creative Soul In Motion. It's all about learning to understand my body's call for me to slow down. Lessons I've been too slow to learn. But now I see the light. You can read my post here.
I have been pretty mum the past week about this project. I have completed a few tasks, but in the end my reorganization of my bedroom space took over in the very few minutes of "free time" I had. It was a big week with family stuff again.
After I removed several pieces of furniture, the entire bedroom looked bare and bizarre. Rearranging decor is a must as well as making sure the more streamlined room actually works for me. So I have been going through files & bookcases, which is in fact a part of my 30-day project. I've gotten rid of things I was saving that didn't hold any meaning for me anymore. I let go of some magazines, organized some books and tidied up one of two nightstands.
Going through things around my bed helped me to find a place for all my microwave heating pads, massagers, etc. Now I know where they all are and where they can all go when not in use. These things have been wandering the house with no real home for a long time. Going through things in my nightstand also reminded me of some nice nighttime rituals I had forgotten about that always help me get ready for sleep. I found three books of Sudoku and word searches that I used to do quite often. I found they kept my eyes and brain quite sharp. I am going to start doing those things again because I am really bad about going to bed. I am trying to change my ways, get more sleep and actually put myself to bed at night.
So again my cleaning project has brought up some helpful reminders and lessons. Never fails that with ever project I've done, I have learned something about myself and how I live my life -- and sometimes how I could better live my life. This week I have car repairs to get done and then a carload of things to get to storage. Most of what will go to storage is home furnishings we are not using right now that I will want again when we get into a bigger place. Then there are the things I have purchased for the long awaited wedding celebration. I don't need that stuff in the bedroom closet right now and it will actually be very close to our hoped for on-base venue if I put it in storage. Goodbye 33 lanterns, picnic napkins, cake stand, etc. Whew!
This week I theoretically have a little extra time on my hands, so I'm going to try to chop down a bunch of these projects on my list. There are some super easy ones like cleaning the plates & dishes cupboard. Pull it all out, wipe it down and put it all back. Easy breezy. The Spice Rack on the other hand sounds a little daunting if only for the fact that once I clean out all the old stuff I will have a very empty spice shelf to replenish.
Are you into Spring Cleaning this year? Have you learned any interesting lessons about yourself, your home or how you live? I'd love to hear about your journey to more organization.
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