28 February 2013

White Starfish Touches

I have always had a soft spot for small white starfish. I like the shape, the color, the relaxing vibe anything from the ocean gives out. I bought these starfish in Hawaii a few months ago and brought them home packed tightly in paper towels inside a previously used whipped topping container. Happily they all made it home.

*if* I had a beach house.....

A couple of weeks ago on a late afternoon The Bug and I headed to the beach for a wander and I brought along a used ice cream container to snag me a little bit of sand. I have had this photo above pinned on my Pinterest boards for a long time, thinking someday I would get a jar and do something similar. But it took me a while to get it done. Now it sits (see first photo) happily in my work space next to the conch shell I picked up a few years ago while traveling. Good reminders to remember good days.
Beach weddings
Here are a few more inspirations I've loved over the past little while. There are so many sweet, beachy ways to use starfish as decor. They instantly bring a feeling of relaxation, happy places and good memories.
pretty starfish bunting :) x

Starfish and beach-inspired decor is perfect for this time of year when a girl just wants to put winter behind her and dream of summer beach vacations, hot bicycle rides, sun dresses and sandals. I hope all those dreamy things come to a reality this summer. 

Even if we don't get away we can still enjoy all those things, happily, right here at home. It will be a happy summer no matter what. But if I can wish upon a little white starfish, it will be the summer of our happy dreams.

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