08 January 2013

Fresh Spring Tops

images via Gap

As part of my 2013 refresh and since the holidays I've been looking for new tops. I was really happy to see that Gap now has some great tops for the coming season. I am always on the hunt for good tops to layer. They are pretty ideal for a warmer climate where I usually only need a sweater or light jacket most of the time.

I picked up the the navy striped top and the pastel floral top and find them great to wear with lots of things I have. I'm thinking about popping back by and picking up a couple more in other patterns and colors I also picked up a couple of tops at The Loft Outlet. I'm still on the prowl for a few more shirts and sweaters, but it's fun to see some nice colors and easy to wear shapes out there for Spring 2013.

My next chore is a great pair of jeans. I want some that are a little longer than what I have now. So far I've been frustrated that I either can't find them in lengths long enough, or I don't like the cut or the wash, the amount of stretch or lack of stretch. It's a tricky business, finding a great pair of jeans. My search so far has been frustrating. But I'm hopeful that something great will pop up soon.

It's been a fun adventure updating my wardrobe this time around. It's always refreshing to do a couple of times a year. I've been broadening my horizons and trying new options and looks. I think the thing I've done this time with more diligence is trying lots and lots of things on. You really don't ever know if something will work or not until you take the time to put it on. I've had tops that I didn't really like at all that ended up looking great on and ones that I really liked that looks abominable on. So it's a necessary evil, that visit to the fitting room. But in the end it saves time, money and frustration.

So if you're looking for fun tops, try Gap for a great range of colors and options. On another note, I am leading a workshop on Vision Boards tonight with a group from my church. Should be fun. I have really felt desire for a new vision board this year and am having fun working on it. It will be fun to get together with a fun group of people to work on them together. I'm sure I'll learn some fun things in the process. It's always interesting to see how other people approach things. Hope you're having a great week. Sending you my very best wishes for your success, peace and happiness!


  1. Those tops are so cute! I really like the blue striped one -- such a cute shape. I always find the BEST jeans when I'm not really looking for jeans. It's kinda like finding a guy -- once you stop looking they start coming to you! :) But seriously, I've had to be really patient and all my best scores have come as a complete surprise when it comes to jeans.

  2. Jen, I love your advice on jeans buying. You are so right. I'm going to start pretending I'm not looking for jeans so they'll find me on their own. haha.


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