04 January 2013

2013 Endings & Beginnings

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Hi friends. Just wanted to pop by today for a quick hello. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least. We have welcomed The Man back for a quick two week visit, gained custody of the Bug (yes, that's what I said!), traveled to Utah for a winter wonderland Christmas, skied together for the first time as a family and on top of that two of the three of us have been sick - of course I've had the worst of it. I was sick Christmas week and then this week got a little sicker. It has been a very wild schedule where some nights where we all fell into bed at 8 p.m. and some nights where we were up far past midnight. Other days we were out the door by 5 a.m. and going all day long. I think we all need a big rest after this very eventful holiday.

There are big changes a foot as we get The Bug in school here Monday, send The Man off for the second half of his deployment tomorrow (so sad) and adjust to many changes in life. Plus I have all those 2013 goals to make happen. One of the things I am most looking forward to is connecting with you here. This blog community with you is one of my great joys, a place for my creative expressions and where I can retreat for my own inspiration and lots of fun. Hopefully you find some entertainment and inspiration here as often as possible. Looking forward to continuing to connect with you. As always I love hearing from you and all that I learn from you. If you are on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest let's connect. My handle on all three is (surprise!) kalanicut.

Hope the new year is going well for you so far. So far we are 100% for our family daily reading, and I have again begun to spend time each day with Simple Abundance. Once things settle down next week I look forward to getting my morning ritual established for this year, blogging each day, working on some fun projects and connecting with you here. I am very interested to see where this year takes us and what fun adventures come our way. Thanks so much for being here and for your support and friendship. It is so enjoyed and appreciated. Warmest wishes for a wonderful weekend and year to come.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear you were sick. And YAY for little bug and the custody issue being settled. Praying for your guy as he leaves again and for you, sweet Kalani, in all these transitions.



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