04 November 2012

Thankful November 2012: Day Four

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Today I am grateful for big, clean windows. Last week I cleaned the patio. This is a chore that has to be done more regularly than I even do it. Due to the constant ocean breezes we have here and all the trees we have around our building, any time of the year there are leaves to clean up every day.

Another thing that is a constant problem is the grimy dust that quickly accumulates on windows, window sills and the patio itself. Living between the two SoCal freeways makes air quality a bit of a problem. I cleaned the patio and cleaned the big windows looking out on the patio. I have been enjoying it every day since. It is such a delight to open the windows up wide, with a clear view and enjoy the wonderful light that comes in. That view and light is what I am thankful for today.

How about you? What blessings are you counting today? Please leave a comment below.

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