25 November 2012

Thankful November 2012 : Day 25

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It's Sunday and I don't usually blog on these days. But for the month of thankfulness I have prepped posts in advance to cover all the days of the month. Today I am thankful for Sundays. In my family for generations Sundays have been a day of rest.

We enjoy worship and communing with a group of people we are continually learning to appreciate  and love more and more. We also eat some nice, quiet, unrushed meals on Sunday. I try to always fit in a family oriented activity: maybe an inspiring DVD, sometimes a board game or visit with friends and family. Other days we walk around the neighborhood or on the beach.

There are no must-dos on Sundays after we return from church. It is restful time and time to be together. Naps are a welcome part of the day if they happen as well. I am glad that my family has made it a tradition to have one day of rest in our week. I think it is such a blessing for our relationships, well-being and the spirit of the home. I am thankful for Sundays.

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