07 November 2012

Finding Animal Faces in Driftwood

Okay I had to share this with you. I mentioned last week that I brought home a bag of driftwood from Hawaii. When I got home I washed the wood down well and then left it out in the sun to dry for a few days. I started looking at the pieces of wood and found two that totally looked like duck heads. Then I kept looking and can you believe all the different animal creatures I found in the ends of the pieces of driftwood. Pretty crazy, right?

I had a lot of fun photographing these and I probably could have found a whole bunch more faces in the driftwood. So do you see what I see or do you see something different? I would love to hear what you see or imagine in the silly old broken off ends of wood. Tell me all about what you see in the comments below.

images by kalanicut

1 comment:

  1. My dad used to always drag huge pieces of driftwood home from ocean trips ... for our yard.

    You crack me up ... never would have thought of animals in driftwood. :)



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