09 November 2012

Anthropologie Holiday Fashion Inspiration

I always look forward to the arrival of the Anthropologie catalog. I am always inspired by the jewelry, hairstyles, and styling. This holiday season I had to share a few favorite looks from the catalog to inspire the mind for fashions for holiday celebrations. Isn't is so wonderful to see something besides little black dresses and velvet! Love the variety!

I love anything that takes conventional fashions and turns them on their ear. Anthropologie has done that over the years better than anyone. So before you start dreading your work holiday party or even worse your partner's (much more stressful, right?!) plan something fun to wear that will give you the confidence to shine.


  1. I need to order this catalog. Mail is so boring these days ... this would be fun to see popping out of my post box.


  2. Whoa! Love those pants! I so miss getting the Anthro catalog!


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